Goodbye Guagua, hello Orion! Yes, even though I was in
Guagua for a little over a month, I got transferred to my 4th area of Orion. My
companion is from New Zealand and let's just say, I really want to visit there
after my mission sometime. She and I were made leaders over the sisters in our
zone. She'll go home before me, but she's super hardworking. Even though
everything is still new to me, I love it here in Orion. During church, one of
the members gave a talk where he said the invitation to face God is a 180
degree turn, not a 360 degree turn. As I thought about that, it made me realize
that God's hand is always extended to us and it's always up to us whether we'll
turn to Him or not. How do we do that? Through the small and simple
commandments He's given us -- pray, read scriptures, go to church. Even though
many of us already do that, always ask Heavenly Father "what lack I
yet?" I promise you that you'll receive an answer from the Holy Ghost. You
have a new zeal(and) to follow Him and become a better person.

Word of the Week: madulas -- slippery Ex: Now that's it's
rainy season, the streets are very madulas!
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