There's a 4th of July in the Philippines!
And a 3rd of July and a 5th of July...etc haha. This week
I've had a lot of good feelings about the work we are doing. After countless
hours of door to door contacting and even more countless rejections, my
companion and I experienced many blessings. We were getting dinner at this one
place and afterwards the chef comes out and tells us he's "interested in
our religion." He promptly gave us his name and phone number to contact
him later. This happened again, with another lady who sought us out so that she
could be taught. And finally, one of the sons of a recent convert, who
originally always avoided the missionaries and would talk cynically of our
work, came to church this last week! He told us he had a really nice experience
and felt surprisingly happy and different when he was there. He's now preparing
to be baptized and seek to obtain a testimony for himself. For Independence
Day, we celebrate those patriotic themes of freedom and liberty. I've grown to
better appreciate it because it's only through people's agency, or freedom to
choose, that they can know the truth for themselves. Overall, despite the lack
of fireworks here, I still feel God's blessings the same.

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