So this week we had the baptism of one of our
investigators. He is currently living with his aunt's family while his dad is
working abroad in America. He has a solid testimony and is already very
knowledgeable about the gospel. I found out that his dad just happens to live
only 2 hours away from me in Seattle, so when our investigator rejoins his dad
there, I'll be able to continue to see him and help him prepare for his
mission. I know that that wasn't an accident, but rather, a tender mercy from
God. I'm thankful for having this opportunity to meet him and see his spiritual
My family celebrated many events this week such as my parent's anniversary, my
brother's high school graduation and my sister's baptism. Even though I wasn't
there in person with them, throughout my mission, I've become increasingly more
aware and thankful for the loving family God gave me. I have great peace in
knowing that we are sealed together and that I can be with them in years to
come. That knowledge has given me a bigger desire to help families here receive
the same blessings too.

Word of the Week: panatag -- no worries
Ex: Hakuna means panatag!
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