Sometimes we'll have meetings
in places 4 hours away and need to take one of the many coach buses that travel
to far places. On one such trip, basically the only music that was played was
Phil Collins-esque Filipino songs and Taylor Swift. To try and ascertain some
spiritual truth from this experience, I would that ye follow the example of
Taylor Swift and when sore trials come upon you, simply shake it off.
Exasperated at Tagalog? Shake it off! Investigators not coming to church? Shake
it off! Mosquitoes relentlessly plunging their fangs into your flesh? Literally
shake it off! Immediately too, as several missionaries in my zone contracted
dengue fever this last week. Hopefully I don't get it too.
A highlight this week was the
baptism and confirmation of Katherine, a 14 year-old, who lives with her aunt
and uncle. It was so sweet to see her bear her testimony after her baptism. I
know that when we exercise our faith in Christ and follow His example by being
baptized by someone holding His priesthood power, we can become thoroughly
clean and feel God's love more prevalent in our lives.
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